ssh error

  1. K

    ssh mit publickey und OTP trotz PasswordAuthenticatin no wird nach Passwort gefragt.

    Hallo Kollegen, mal eine vlt. dumme Frage ich find den Fehler nicht Ich habe ssh publickey mit 2FA OTP wie folgt eingerichtet: PAM-Modul installieren Bearbeiten apt-get install libpam-google-authenticator 2FA einrichten<br>Bearbeiten google-authenticator --time-based --disallow-reuse...
  2. D

    [SOLVED] sshd refuses to start on LXC Ubuntu 23.10 after updating openssh-server

    Hello, thought I'd post my findings as I have no clue whatsoever why this happened. I eventually found the solution through google and a bit of trial and error. Problem: After apt -y upgrade the systemd service sshd.service shows an error starting and sshd is non-functional. Manually running...
  3. A

    VM migration failed - host key verification failed

    I have a 3 node cluster set up for testing: pve01 and pve02 running 8.1.3 and pve03 added later running 8.2.2 Trying to migrate a VM to or from pve03 fails with the following error: 2024-09-10 13:02:35 # /usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=pve03' root@A.B.C.D /bin/true...
  4. J

    [SOLVED] Separate Migration Network issue VLAN

    Hi All, I have a 2 node cluster I have added a second 1g nic to each and created a bond, i have also created a separate vlan for High availability traffic. When trying to migrate a container i get the following error: # /usr/bin/ssh -e none -o 'BatchMode=yes' -o 'HostKeyAlias=TEST-NODE01' -o...
  5. M

    help! host Key Verification failed

    I have a 3 node cluster. I had to make some changes since one of the hosts had a drive fail, I reinstalled proxmox and killed the node using: pvecm delnode <node-id>, then readded the node, I then had some issues with the digital fingerprint, ran the command proxmox gave me on all remaining...
  6. L

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Failed to show VNC Console

    I cant console to a VM from my host proxmox, My environment is following the setup of 4 Node Proxmox. 1. pve0 2. pve1 3. pve2 4. pve3 I cant use the VNC Console on the on pve0 to console to the VM in pve1. from other pve1-3, i can console the VM normally. it will return error: "Host key...
  7. K

    How do I ssh from one VM to another?

    Dear Proxmox users, I am trying to learn ansible by setting up an ansible environment at home, but I have run into an issue, none of my proxmox hosts seem to be able to ssh into eachother. Trying to ssh with either the hostname I assigned them returns a "could not resolve hostname: Name or...
  8. W

    [SOLVED] pve webui and ssh not working

    I did not work on my PVE for 6 months and found it with this broken webui and ssh access. I might be the cause of this issue due to changes back in the day but I do not remember. Anyway, the first pve7.3 install did work and since this is a clean new server I reinstalled proxmox 7.3. However...