spam quarantine

  1. F

    How to disable quarantine ?

    I'm trying to disable the Quarantine while ensuring that SPAM messages will receive an appropriate spam flag in the headerand a "Spam" tagging in the subject line ? If I disable "Quarantine/Mark Spam (Level 5)" in the Mail Filter settings the quarantine willl be disabled but I don't get the Spam...
  2. G

    [SOLVED] Spam Quarantine - Whitelist - Entries

    Hey there, Quick question: After adding an email sender to the whitelist in the "Administration - Spam Quarantine" section, where can I find this entry? I'm a bit lost because I whitelisted my test email address, but I can't seem to locate the entry. Thanks a bunch!
  3. U

    [SOLVED] Disable Links and External Content in Quarantine Viewers?

    I opened an email in the Spam Quarantine area. I noticed that the "Selected Mail" display pane on the right is rendering links as clickable and appears to be loading external content. Is there a way to prevent allowing links to be clickable and to prevent loading external content? The emails in...