sophos utm

  1. R

    Upgrade to Proxmox 8 causes massive TCP spikes

    I've been successfully running a pretty simple two-tier network setup for awhile: a Mikrotik CHR and a Sophos Home UTM. These are connected together with a OVS bridge, the Mikrotik connects to my network (with several VLANs configured on the Mikrotik) via an OVS bridge that connects to a trunk...
  2. T

    Proxmox host can't reach the Internet - VM Firewall/gateway scenario

    Hi everyone, After a couple of days of struggling, reading the Internet, and watching tutorials on YT, I still couldn't figure out how to give Proxmox host access to the Internet via Gateway/Firewall guest. Please advise if this is even possible and/or where the problem is. Some info about the...
  3. J

    What CPU to get to build a small UTM firewall appliance with extra services

    Looking to buy the lowest end system (read: lowest cost) capable of hosting a Sophos UTM Home Edition firewall (maybe XG free edition in future) to serve as an Internet Router and LAN gateway, plus a Windows 10 Pro VM connected to a USB drive for backups. The Windows VM is for UPS monitoring...
  4. J

    Network and other config questions around building a Sophos UTM + extra services 'box'

    Am an ex-ESXi user that's new to Proxmox, and who's unix days are far behind him I'm trying to set up a Sophos UTM+ 'box' that has some extra services built in. Here's what I have so far: - got latest version of Proxmox installed on an Intel i5 2.3GHz NUC (2 cores, 4 threads) no problem - was...