
  1. A

    [SOLVED] snmp not responding

    Hello, I have a cluster of 5 nodes, it is in version 7.3.3. They are supervised by Cacti and observium (LibreNMS). Since one week my two supervisions are not able to join in SNMP two nodes on the five... Before your work properly. I don't think it's related to the upgrade to 7.3.3, the problem...
  2. M

    Snmp timeout when nfs storage is down.

    Hello, I have the same bug on few proxmox cluster, i have NFS storage to do some saves of containers. Snmp works fine but every time my nfs storage goes down, snmpd had timeout. If i force to unmount the nfs storage, the snmp work again. Have you any idea to configure snmpd to stop crash when...
  3. T

    Debian-snmp error after 6.2-11 update

    After updating from 6.2-9 to 6.2-11 I get the following snmp error from all the nodes in my cluster: : Aug 25 11:45:13 : Debian-snmp : user NOT in sudoers ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/local/bin/proxmox Looks like i'll be getting these notifications every 5...
  4. H

    SNMP error

    Hi! I have this error after every start. After restart it became normal but after 24 hours it appears again. Snmp service locks, And I could not start it agait. Its error with hardware or vm or LXC or something else In messages get I got: May 19 09:54:49 pve9 kernel: [126148.397501] ...
  5. P

    [SOLVED] SNMPd stop binding on port after node fail

    Hello. I see that I've strange problem with SNMPd after my node with ID 1 stops working. When node goes down it disables binding SNMPd on other machines of cluster. On 7.53 node you can see that snmpd start working as usually but i see nothing more: Stopping service takes more...