
  1. A

    PBS cifs smb share not mounting on cold boot

    Hi Folks, Hope everyone is doing well! Also thanks to anyone willing to help, I really appreciate it! So, I have been stuck on this for a while and I am banging my head against the wall at this point... I set up ProxMox Backup Server with a TrueNas SMB share following this tutorial...
  2. B

    Helper scripts SMB Laufwerk einbinden

    Hallo zusammen, weiß nicht ob ich hier richtig bin, aber vielleicht kann mir trotzdem jemand helfen. Ich habe mit dem Proxmox helper-scripts, Paperless-ngx im Container installiert, was auch gut klappt. Nun möchte ich gerne in den paperless/consume Ordner über eine SMB Verbindung zur meiner...
  3. M

    Alpine cant mount smb share with 'netmount' enabled on boot

    I'm facing an issue with my Proxmox setup, specifically regarding automounting an SMB share on boot within a privileged LXC container running Alpine 3.18. I have followed the steps outlined below, but the share doesn't mount automatically on boot. 1. Added the following entry to /etc/fstab...
  4. T

    PVE can't backup to PBS with datastore on SMB share

    Hi, I was trying out the 1.0 build of PBS to try and start migrating my PVE backup solution to it. Currently my PVE Backups to a nas over SMB. I was thinking i could just mount a SMB share and tell PBS to put its datastore on the share and let PVE backup to PBS. Testing making backups to PBS...
  5. L

    Cant mount a network folder.

    Hi, ive tryed to install a new instance of proxmox, and have used new distro 5.1 r3. After the installation usually i mount a few network storage mounts, some of them are linux based and some are windows based shared folders. This time it was a bit different story for me, usually you need to...