single file restore

  1. M

    File restore from vm = 0

    Hi, Colleagues! Why when download file (iso,exe, etc) from backup size = 0, but when download pdf, office formats and archives all download fine?
  2. N

    [SOLVED] Problems with File Restore from PBS

    I have setup PBS as a VM on Proxmox using an external drive. Restoring full VM's works perfectly, no issues there. But when using file restore it only downloads between 50-250 MB before failing with the following error: Starting download of file...
  3. P

    PBS single file restore and corrupted files

    Hello everybody! There is: - Proxmox 7.1 host - win2019 vm + NTFS virtual scsi drive with deduplication. - PBS 2.1 host I do backup of this vm to PBS server, then choose "Single file restore", then trying to download some files and.... 50-60% of them do not open after download (corruped). It...