
  1. E

    Using a SDN VNET with a VLAN already present on Proxmox

    On my nodes i have this enp0s31f6 -> vmbr0 -> vmbr0.16 Proxmox Management network vmbr0.1000 Cluster network SDN -> lzone Network is a VLAN SDN zone i have working VNET on lzone e.g. lnet10 - VLAN 10 lnet20 - VLAN 20 Attached to this zone, which...
  2. D

    Proxmox SNAT stabilization update schedule

    hello. When checking the Proxmox roadmap, there is information about stabilizing VLAN and SNAT. I'm curious whether VLAN and SNAT stabilization are planned for the next 8.3 update, and if not, when will they be stabilized? Additionally, I would like to set up snat in a VLAN environment...
  3. S

    [SOLVED] Setup a Lab-LAN within Proxmox

    Cheers Proxmox-Community, i've started using proxmox about two weeks ago and judging by what i've seen so far: i like it. Currently i' struggeling with creating a vm-internal lab LAN. I've searech and tried some guieds / settings but cant seem to find the right thing for me. To be able to...
  4. B

    SDN with Cluster and several services

    Hello Proxmox Community, I'm a long-time lurker, and today I'm the one posting :) I'm trying to set up an SDN (Software-Defined Networking) on a cluster of 2 Proxmox servers to create a high-availability (HA) datastore using OpenMediaVault (OMV) and DRBD (one OMV instance on each Proxmox...
  5. H

    PVE8.1 - SDN (problematic) experiences and and other fun with IPv6 configurations

    Good day, I have new set of clusters to be deployed in environments where I do have needs for SDN (vxlan-evpn) and loopback routes for CEPH while preparing for IPv6 only networks. Though I did got it going at one stage (IPv4 only), there are still missing pieces/processes that I'm stumbling on...
  6. J

    [SOLVED] Simple SDN zone and Firewall

    I would like to host a pair of web applications in LCXs on a server, with one unique public IP address. I have created a simple zone in SDN, created a subnet LCX are attached the the SDN zone, and they get their IP addresses. LCXs have access to the internet, and to the LAN...
  7. I


    with reference to this Setup Simple Zone With SNAT and DHCP I tried to set the simple zone it's working fine. but I am not sure if we can set up multiple DNS servers and search domain in subnet.cfg file. please share any guidance or reference to any article...
  8. B

    SDN explained

    Good day I have the following questions about SDN. How does Proxmox use SDN and what are its integrations? What is the purpose of using IPAM with Proxmox, and how does it integrate with Proxmox? How does DNS integration work with Proxmox and what are its functions? How do subnets work in...
  9. M

    Evpn SDN with NAT-like routing

    Hi all, I recently discovered the SDN feature of the Proxmox Virtual Environment. So far it looks great for separating all guests into different networks, but I ran into some difficulties / questions: So far https connections to given domains, neither IPs outside the local network (containing...
  10. B

    Help with SDN

    I am trying to setup VXLAN using the SDN feature as outlined here: https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/chapter-pvesdn.html#pvesdn_zone_plugin_simple My requirement is to basically use a 10G interface between the two nodes for better VM to VM transfer rates (NAS replica). Maybe there are better...