scrub errors

  1. D

    Ceph scrub error reparieren während VMs laufen?

    Hallo zusammen, wir haben bei einem Kunden ein Proxmox Cluster bestehend aus 3 Servern gebaut und das läuft auch alles soweit ganz gut. Wir haben die Server mittels 10GBit/s Netzwerkkarten per Peer-to-Peer miteinander verbunden, worüber ein Ceph Speicher läuft. Dieser Ceph Speicher weist nun...
  2. L

    Ceph issues new cluster 5.1 fully patched

    We have a new four node cluster that is almost identical to other clusters we are running. However, since it has been up and running at what seems to be random times we end up with errors similar to: 2018-02-05 06:48:16.581002 26686 : cluster [ERR] Health check update: Possible data damage: 4...
  3. D

    Proxmox Ceph Inconsistent issues.

    I have the very latest of Proxmox installed and I went to look at my Ceph Health and realized I have some serious inconsistencies which I seem to be having issues resolving. I haven't had any strange issues like this before with Ceph, so wondering if someone can help me. I found an article where...