
  1. D

    rrddata unit of measurement

    Hi, I am currently working on a script to track the traffic usage for the VM's in Proxmox, I have however come to a bit of a holt due to a lack of information. I am using the following command to get the netin and netout values for the past hour in minute intervals: root@prx001:/var/log/pn#...
  2. S

    VM PNG RRD API Statistics

    Hello, I'm using the Proxmox API to get png RRD statistics, but I'm receiving something like this: { "data": { "filename": "/var/lib/rrdcached/db/pve2-vm/800_cpu.png", "image":"<encoded string>" } } What is it encoded in, and how should I decode it? Also, it doesn't seem...
  3. S

    RRData for bandwidth usage

    Hi all. I'm looking to clear some things up with the RRDCache data found for a VM. When looking at a VM's stats over the course of an hour, are the stats averaged? I've taken a look at some of the source code and it seems so. So for example: NETOUT is 75 for timestamp 1567431840 Does that...