
  1. J

    access webinterface/vnc via apache reverse proxy / load balancer, novnc ws connection failing

    Hello, I have 3 nodes (alpha, beta, gamma) that I am trying to access via a reverse-proxy with a balancer, the idea being that if one node goes down, the balancer will select another node automatically. I am using apache2 as the reverse proxy. I got the web-interface working, but when using the...
  2. N

    NGINX reverse-proxy for SPICE

    I have NGINX working as a reverse-proxy for the web-based GUI and for VNC, but I am having trouble getting SPICE consoles to work. Internally, I have a reverse-proxy set up directly on the PVE host and it's fine: SPICE works and so does the web GUI. For this, however, I did not have to set up a...