
  1. K

    Proxmox api "Resources"

    Hi! in the web there is a display of the summed resources of the cluster I studied the api documentation and did not find the final entry point to this data, maybe I was looking badly? I am interested in exactly the data that is on the screenshot I know how to get them with a script, but it...
  2. E

    Proxmox Mail Gateway Rejects Outgoing Request

    Hey, I have installed Proxmox Mail Gateway recently on my Server. I have everything configured. I am working with HMailServer on my Windows Server. But every time I want to send an from my Mail Server, I get an Error Message (Down below). But when an Internet Server like Outlook or Gmail, send...
  3. G

    VM to Template Conversion

    TLDR: "Convert to template" should become "Create template" I know this is a request feature of sorts - I hope its OK to post it here. I know that when you convert a VM to a Template, the VM is no longer runnable, since the VM itself has been converted to a Template & no longer exists. So in...
  4. S

    Clone multiple vms from a template at the same time (Proxmox API)

    Is it possible that you can clone a vm or a template multiple times at the same time? And if yes what parameter must i use in this python request. HTTP: POST /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu/{vmid}/clone And if no what would be the best way to achieve to clone a template or a vm multiple...
  5. P

    API2: How to get the node a VM is in without using /api2/json/cluster/resources

    I was wandering if there is a way in which i can get that information using only the vm id without having to access the /api2/json/cluster/resources endpoint. This endpoint returns the info about all VMs and nodes and i wanted a more efficient way to request the information of a single VM.
  6. Q

    [SOLVED] Proxmox HTTP API Create a new VM with SCSI

    Hi, I'm trying to create a new VM with the API per Post Request. This also worked until I wanted to add a drive via SCSI. For this I have sent this data: ... "&scsi0=moxx01:vm-103-disk-0,discard=on,iops_rd=500,iops_wr=500,size=50G,ssd=1" ... { "data":null, "errors":{...
  7. A

    Feature request [monthly backup]

    Hi, mods Today i wanted to setup backup job, but there is no option for monthly. I found a post that explained to change /etc/pve/vzdump.cron to make a monthly backup working. I want to change it within the GUI. Please add a monthly option, if i knew how to code i would have added it.
  8. L

    Proxmox LXC Centos 8 Stream Support

    Guten Tag, Und zwar wollte ich nachfragen ob es in absehbarer Zeit keinen Support für Centos8 Stream für LXC geben wird? Bis jetzt scheint das Ganze nicht zu funktionieren. Ich habe einen Centos8 Container erstellt und anschließend auf Centos8 Stream geupgraded. Jetzt ist das Problem, aber dass...
  9. M

    Interested in getting Kernel 4.19 when it comes out

    Had Proxmox working on a Mac Mini of all things. Graduated to a Ryzen setup, and having some odd freezes. Trying some C6 workaround, else I noticed in my debugging efforts that I can't just load any kernel like I usually can on Debian/Ubuntu: not without causing my Proxmox containers to no...