remote console

  1. C

    iOS SPICE Proxmox App Verbindungsprobleme

    Guten Abend zusammen, ich versuche leider vergeblich, dass ich mit der App "aSPICE Pro - oVirt Proxmox" Eine Verbindung zu meiner VM bekomme. Das Video Ist sehr nichtssagend für mich. Ich bin mir nicht sicher...
  2. aPollO

    VDI with Proxmox = bad idea?

    Hello Guys, i have build a system for doing remote support to customers. It is like an VDI but not with an single desktop per user. Every customer has his own guest. As guest operating system i use Linux Mint and Windows 10. Linux Mint for the most and windows 10 as fallback for customers who...
  3. aPollO

    Issue with remote console - torn screen

    Hi, i sometimes get a annoying issue with remote viewer and spice console of linux guest. When i minimize my remote viewer window, work a while in another window, and then bring the remote viewer back to foreground. The screen resolution of the guest resize (even if window size not changes) and...