
  1. M

    Lessons learned about using NFS shared storage in a ProxMox environment (w/ Synology?)

    It's possible some of the following is specific to my environment... but having read a ton of threads to solve my issues, I suspect these are more general insights gained. NFS has had serious reliability problems when it comes to rebuilding broken links... until version 4.1 Before that...
  2. D

    [SOLVED] how to do safe backup when VM or container runs a DBMS ?

    Hi It is well known that DBMS require care to do reliable baclups. Let's assume I run a Mysql database in a KVM machine or a LXC container under Proxmox VE. If I use Proxmox VE's features to do snapshots of my guests, I don't find anything to hook the begin of the backup process to...