ram usage

  1. M

    Windows VM RAM usage

    Hi All, I have seen a number of post regarding Windows VM RAM usage, but none have seen to be able to answer my question. ISSUE: Whenever i clone or create a new Windows VM (We are using Windows Server 2022), the VM deploys but the RAM usage goes and stays at approx 95%,. image 1 you can see...
  2. D

    Web monitor Summary shows almost zero RAM usage for guests, while guest OS shows several GB

    I have several nodes running Ubuntu 18 or 20 as guest OS. They have 32 GB allocated memory, but show on the web monitor summary as using less than one of percent of allocated RAM. The Memory usage shows pale green 32 Gi, but reports RAM usage (dark green ) about 140 MiB. On the guest OS I...
  3. S

    Should I move from KVM to LXC ?

    I have A LOT of VMs running on Proxmox VE across several Servers. Most of the VMs run Debian GNU/Linux Bookworm. Overall the KVMs seems quite inefficient, especially in Terms of: - RAM Usage (a bit less on Xeon E3 v5/v6, since up to 64GB RAM can be used there) - Disk Space (each VM takes 16GB...
  4. N

    ZFS Cache Not being Configured

    I have 64 GB ram in my server. As ZFS is configured to utilize maximum RAM, I tried to reduce with following config in /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf to around 8 GB options zfs zfs_arc_min=8388608 options zfs zfs_arc_max=8388608 but still zfs was using 28 GB.
  5. M

    Proxmox Node Summary Report wrong Showing

    I check CPU Summary from the Node then there always showing Ram usage High, But when I check it from individual VM summary then it's normal. So, Which is the correct report ? and how to solve the node summary ram high usage problem? Proxmox Node Summary Ram Usage showing= 94%+ Every Individual...