
  1. J

    installation of pve-qemu-kvm failed (nesting proxmox in proxmox)

    I know I saw few post about it and fixed few error, but still remain one at the end of the installation of proxmox 6.2 inside proxmox 6.2 - nesting is allowed and I reboot - IOMMU is enabled properly and used by other VM - my host is a Skylake the error the config of proxmox inside kvm
  2. N

    [SOLVED] error while loading shared libraries - detected old qemu-kvm binary (unknown)

    Hi guys, we have a cluster of 3 nodes and today we had an electrical fault. When restarting the 3 nodes one of them is presenting this message when trying to start any of the VMs that are hosted in this one. root@thor:~# qm start 121 kvm: error while loading shared libraries...