qemu 7.2

  1. t.lamprecht

    QEMU 7.2 available on no-subscription as of now

    FYI: The next Proxmox VE point release 7.4 (2023/H1) will default to QEMU 7.2. Internal testing for that version started in December, and it was available on the pvetest repository since last Wednesday without any relevant issue coming up, but a lot of positive feedback about resolving odd bugs...
  2. t.lamprecht

    QEMU 7.2 available on pvetest as of now

    FYI: The next Proxmox VE point release 7.4 (2023/H1) will default to QEMU 7.2. Internal testing for that version started in December, today it has been made available on the pvetest repository. Besides some small initial bug and regression fixes, we saw no actual new issues coming up. Note...