
  1. I

    [SOLVED] pvestatd keep failing.

    Hello. I have a 7-node PVE cluster, and every once in a while, one or more nodes, along with all VMs and storage running on that node, will show a question mark. However, all VMs, storage, and the nodes themselves are running without any errors. I did my own research and found threads of other...
  2. H

    pvestatd runs "zfs mount -a" over and over again -- how stopping it?

    Background It seems our `pvestatd` (from pve-manager pacakge, version 7.4-3) is calling `zfs mount -a` (about every 10 seconds) on one of our servers. I come to this believe by running the following command repeatedly and observing the changing pids (here with a single example output): $...
  3. Y

    ZFS Empty Statistics

    Envirnoment: Newest Proxmox with ZFS Storage. DataCenter-->VPS1--->Search--->(show Column: "total disk write") It's empty for: - Storage, - LXC,