pve 7.1-12

  1. L

    UniFi and Proxmox VE mirrorport

    Hello! For a project we have a UniFi 24 Ports switch (2nd gen), we also have a Proxmox cluster. We configured the UniFi switch to mirror the uplink (trunk) port to the UniFi UDM. When physically connecting a laptop and Wireshark to this mirror port, we can see all traffic (from ALL vlan's)...
  2. S

    New Kernel PVE-5.15.30-2 breaks iscsi connections

    Hey, so because in the other thread no one was answering and basically ignoring this fact I have to reopen a new one. So: with the new Kernel PVE-5.15.30 my iSCSI Connections breaks and cant be revived. only the with the "old" 5.13.19-6 kernel my iSCSI connections are working. I have currently...