
  1. D

    [SOLVED] Unable to clone VM across Nodes with ansible script

    Hello I am new to Proxmox and don't know a lot about it tbh. I was able to clone VMs from one storage to another storage on one Node with my ansible script as well as just clone it to the same storage. I tried the same but it does not work; let's say from Node1 to Node2 I have a shared storage...
  2. S and API's

    This file is retained in ~/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-########.##-########/ Using it from an Ansible playbook from the module ansible.modules.proxmox_kvm producing the error ending the run without a VM create... creation of qemu VM centos-static with vmid 137 failed...
  3. J

    Ansible proxmox_kvm gettting MAC address for PXE

    Anyone successfully used the Ansible module of proxmox_kvm to get a MAC address of a VM for a PXE install? Here is the task code: - name: Get Facts proxmox_kvm: api_user: "root@pam" api_password: test api_host: test node: test name: test validate_certs: no...