proxmox ve 7.3

  1. Q

    Diverse Kernel Probleme mit >

    Hallo Zusammen, seit der Kernel Version 6.1.X haben wir diverse Stabilitätsprobleme in unserem Proxmox/Ceph Cluster erfahren. Wir nutzen Ceph seit Version 17.2.4 und dem Kernel 5.15, dann mit 5.19 und jetzt 6.1.10-1. Bis Kernel Version lief alles Problemlos, mit 6.1.6-1 hatten wir 5-10...
  2. M

    Memory Usage stats different from Guest OS stats

    Hi, I have some Ubuntu 22.04 VMs with qemu-guest agent installed and I've notice that the memory usage shown in the GUI is completely different from memory stats within the Ubuntu guest OS. Is it a problem of the guest agent? Does it computes memory usage as (used+buff/cache)/total instead of...
  3. M

    [TUTORIAL] Integrating InfluxDB2 data with temperature and disks' info

    Hi, I'm new here since I've started using Proxmox VE and PBS 2 weeks ago, but I've already done some questions on other threads and received very useful hints from you. So it is time to give something back (nothing exceptional, just my 2 cents). I'm running a TIG stack...