proxmox 7.2-11

  1. P

    connection timeout(596)

    Hi Guys, I am having NFS storage mounted in cluster as well as on normal node, but i am not able to see the VM Disk when i try to access through GUI or API i get a response of connection timeout(596) from gui as well as api. but when i search through pvesm list <storage> it shows me all the VM...
  2. K

    VM random restart

    Hello everyone, so I manage to install windows on proxmox with nvidia drivers and parsec. VM has gpu passthrough RTX 3090. I can boot and it seams work good. But VM work stable by 5-15 minutes (in IDLE, game or on web browser), next get crash and restart. Parsec show messange "connection lost"...
  3. T

    Error checking subscription after update

    Hello all, after updating our cluster to 7.2-11, the subscription key can no longer be fetched on some servers. Status invalid: subscription information too old When trying to check the subscription key again, the following error message appears. The servers are behind a proxy. No changes...
  4. J

    getting a mail about smartctl not able to read a raided drive's sector, but array is healthy in raid controller settings

    so, to sketch my setup, a raid 5 array which is controlled by a H700 has one drive of which smartd says it has a bad sector, but when I scan the array in the controller's settings, it shows healthy. The array only contains backups. What notification should I believe? host name: pve2 DNS...
  5. I

    [SOLVED] Large # of DNS queries by Proxmox

    Hi, My Proxmox seems to be requesting a large number of DNS queries and I was wondering why that was. I have about 24K queries from the proxmox box in 25 hours which accounts to about 40% of the queries. The top queried domain is for my NAS box -- probably because my NAS is configured as a...