proxmox 3.4 insttall error

  1. R

    pve cluster filesystem failed to load during startup

    I am using proxmox over a debian os with a constant error of failed startup Your help would be appreciated root@ryno:~# systemctl status pve-cluster.service ● pve-cluster.service - The Proxmox VE cluster filesystem Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/pve-cluster.service; enabled; vendor...
  2. Y

    Proxmox 3.4 İnsttall Error

    I use ProXmox 3.4 for OpenVZ virtualization. I hired a server on Ovh. The other day I formatted the server. I can not reconstruct Shan ProXmox 3.4 version. I have licenses for Openvz, so I do not want to upgrade to the next versions. Please help me . How can I re-install version 3.4???