problem pve

  1. N

    Backing Up similar VM from different Proxmox VE to a single place

    I have a use case where I have a VM(vm id = 999), that I have backed up to PBS, now I have created 10 more VMs(vmid=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) by restoring from the same PBS on 10 different Proxmox VEs, now these 11(10 + 1) VMs undergo a deploy, and now I again want to backup to PBS any one of the...
  2. H

    i edited the /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts files and everything crashed

    i edited the /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts files and everything crashed after a reboot. I don't remember what these files looked like in the original. I wanted to make a copy of the machines, reinstall proxmox, but since all the pve services went down, I can't even execute the qm list ( Can you...