physical volume

  1. S

    Automatically pass through a USB device to a VM when plugged in?

    Hello all. I had a search in the forum but i wasn't able to identify that specific question. My Setup: I just installed a Proxmox host and as I don't have (and don't want) a separate NAS for storage, ONE of the VMs on that host will make an 8TB disk available to my local network via SMB/NFS...
  2. P

    Extending Physical Volume (PV)

    Hello. During initial installation, i selected HDSIZE as 50 GB on my 250 GB NVMe SSD. Proxmox did it thing and divided the 50 gigs into all partitions that was needed. However, over time and VM usage, i became short on space and now i want to extend the local-lvm (so the data local volume) to...
  3. 3

    LVM "device is not in a usable state" Layer 8 oder Bug?

    Hallo Liebes Form, als erstes einmal vielen Dank für diese wundervolle Software Proxmox. Ich nutze sie seit Version 4 als mein Home-Lab. Aktuell bin ich auf pve 7 mit community repo und bin sehr zufrieden. Nur aktuell weiß ich nicht ob ich ggf. etwas falsch mache oder einen Denkfehler habe oder...
  4. R

    [SOLVED] VG-PV from VM visible on PVE / Volume Communication Failure

    Hello, Following the creation of two VM (263 and 264) and the addition of disk, these two disks are now as PV and VG on the nodes: This has been a problem loading volumes on PVE and migrate disk: But VM working Here are the commands launched on the VM to integrate the disks: 220...