pct clone

  1. T

    [SOLVED] Linked clone feature for 'local:114/vm-114-disk-0.raw' is not available

    Hi there, I am figuring out a strange problem and I dont know what else to do. I have the latest major Version 6.3.3 installed and I would like to make a linked cloned container on a local storage pool. But I get this error message: Linked clone feature for 'local:114/base-114-disk-0.raw' is...
  2. A

    [SOLVED] [PVE 4.3] How clone a container with pct

    Hi everyone, I discovered Proxmox (4.3) and I have one question for you. I would like update my LXC containers to Proxmox and mostly I used bash command lxc-copy and i would like find equivalent with Proxmox. When I try command pct clone in CT Proxmox; I always this answer : Same with LVM...