
  1. M

    Display the status of the Qemu Guest Agent in Datacenter -> Search?

    Hello all Is it possible to display the status of the Qemu Guest Agent under Datacenter -> Search? This option is not available as an additional column. It would improve the overview if the status of all VMs of the whole cluster can be displayed there. Thanks and best regards
  2. P

    [SOLVED] 2 nodes, 1 showing CPU Core amount wrong

    Hello guys, just a quick question. We have 2 servers/nodes in our environment, with 2 CPUs/sockets each. One server has 2xCPUs with 14 cores each (total of 28 cores), and the other server has 2xCPUs with 18 cores each (total of 36 cores). Now the question: In the node overview, Proxmox is...
  3. H

    Swap usage and IP address overview across containers

    When i click on datacenter -> search i see list of all containers in network. Also i can see memory and CPU usage of individual containers. I would like to see the swap size and usage in there, but there's no such option in columns menu. Can you please add it? Also i guess it might be useful to...