open tofu

  1. L

    IP Address Not Assigned in Ubuntu VM Deployment

    Hi, I am currently working on deploying a VM, running Ubuntu 24.04.1 server, using OpenTofu. This has been successful; however, the network configuration is not working. Somehow, it is being correctly taken over and added to the Cloud-Init, but when I run the command 'ip a' on the VM, I see...
  2. R

    TASK ERROR: can't lock file '/run/lock/lxc/pve-config-100.lock' - got timeout

    Hi! I've been facing the above mentioned error (check the tread title) for the past few days and I've got no solution yet. The error appears every single time I create & start a new LXC using OpenTofu and Ansible from a remote machine (using Debian through WSL). Actually OpenTofu doesn't...