
  1. A

    Notifying the sender of a message delivery failure

    Hello, I have some questions about notifying. Is it possible for the sender of a message that has been marked as spam/virus etc. to receive a return message with information that the message from him did not reach my inbox? If so, will this message contain information about the reason why this...
  2. R

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Host als NUT Client -> Fragen

    Hallo liebe Community, ich bin noch neu bei Proxmox und Linux. Ich habe folgende Konstellation: DS918+ als NUT Server Proxmox Host als NUT Client Die Verbindung von Proxmox zur Synology DS918+ steht. Das automatisierte Herunterfahren des Proxmox Host werde ich heute Abend mal testen. Es...
  3. T

    [SOLVED] Error sending notification

    I configured some rules to send notification emails when an email with an attachment ".mp3" arrived It does everything correctly, but does not send the notification email. In the log, just the failure.
  4. R

    [SOLVED] email filter action object "Block" - no 550 to sender? pmg send 250 O.K.

    Hello, I have create some blacklist entry for a test email address and use the default email filter action object "Block". If I send some email from this blocked address, message is blocked correctly but PMG send 250 O.K. to the sender. But email is blocked and dropped from PMG and I can't...