
  1. B

    How do I use the Proxmox API with nodejs?

    How can I use the proxmox api to create and manage VM's with nodejs?
  2. U

    Open noVnc from command line. (from nodeJS code)

    Hi, I would like to make a script to connect to the display of all my proxmox VMs within a command line. for now I can easily connect to my VMs using spice with a code like that: const data = await api.nodes.$(this.hostname).qemu.$(realVmid).spiceproxy.$post({proxy: await this.getIP()})...
  3. F

    Proxmox API - Create VMs

    Thanks in advance for the help and sorry for my English . I am working on my final year project and I have decided to use Proxmox VE as a virtualization environment. I have the need to create a virtual machine from my own web application but I don't know where to start very well. Could someone...