move datastore

  1. E

    [SOLVED] swap ssd with datastore on it

    Hi, Proxmox Backup Server running from an NVME drive ext4 (/dev/nvme0n1) with an additional single SSD as Datastore/backup disk on ZFS (/dev/sdX). I want to replace the SSD in the Proxmox Backup Server. Old SSD is 4TB (overkill), new SSD is 1TB. I replaced the SSD to a new one and created a new...
  2. Proxygen

    [SOLVED] qm migrate help

    I need to move VM (on ZFS) to another disk (on LVM thin) on the same machine. I can't use the GUI for this migration. I will offline the VM, then just qm migrate 201 -targetstorage /dev/lvmt_containers0/vm-201-disk-0 followed by a manual delete of the VM disks from the original storage? I ran...
  3. J

    Help: Recover proxmox VE environment?

    Hello everyone! Thanks in advance for the help. I’m in the middle of trying to help a friend who’s husband recently passed away. His service is a week from Saturday. He was quite a tinkerer and had many/most of the lights around their house configured with various IOT devices. This whole...
  4. L

    Move Datastore location

    I've created a zpool of an entire disk at /mnt/datastore/mypool using the PBS GUI. Later on, I've noticed I can't set individual pruning settings per VM. Settings exist per datastore only. I can set up Cronjobs to do VM-specific pruning (e.g. /usr/bin/proxmox-backup-client prune vm/126...