
  1. S

    PVE Spice Minial Linux ISO

    Hey guys, is there like a minimal Linux ISO with just the capability to connect to my hosted pve vm via Spice? I tried now a lot and i wont work, especially not the ThinClient minimal isos, they all have a lot of tools installed, but not one has Spice or Virt-Viewer. Dont work ThinClient ISOs...
  2. B

    LXC template for Centos 7.4 minimal or Nethserver 7.4

    Where can we download or how can we create newer LXC templates for Centos 7.4 minimal. When I run # pveam available | grep -i centos system centos-6-default_20161207_amd64.tar.xz system centos-7-default_20171212_amd64.tar.xz I only see centos 7 default. I need Centos 7...