
  1. T

    Some notes and questions about Proxmox Cluster networking

    Hello, I am trying to find more information about Proxmox Cluster networking, and specially the use of ports 22, 5404 and 5405 for intra cluster communication. I feel like the PVE admin guide could be updated with more accurate information (some of which I am contributing in this thread). I...
  2. H

    Corosync 3.x: Multicast (for now) obsolete, use of Unicast (or knet) is reccomended

    I've been discussing this with corosync developers and they've told me this: TLDR: Multicast was only reccomended for corosync 1.x, because unicast was not tested yet For corosync 2.x, they reccomend to use unicast (Proxmox currently uses...