keyboard issue

  1. T

    Linux Mint mit Cinnanmon auf RDP / VNC

    Hallo Leute, mal wieder was Spezielles. Ich nutze ein Linux Mint in einer VM über VNC / RDP. Die Maschine läuft im Prinzip dauerhaft und ich greife bei Bedarf per Remote zu. ch habe folgendes nervige Problem. In regelmäßigen Abständen verstellt sich automatisch das Tastaturlayout auf eine...
  2. H

    usb keyboard non-responsive on a hp prodesk when installing linux mint or proxmox

    Details: *HP ProDesk 600 G1 SFF running on an Intel core i5 4590.AMI BIOS L01 V02.65 dated 7/13/15. *Booting ISO image from DVD.(USB thumb drive install will not work regardless of BIOS config) *USB Keyboard does not respond during initial install menu selection. *Tried many BIOS configs. And...
  3. J

    Shift issues

    While in proxmox inside a vm I cant use SHIFT + any number to type in symbols it only types the number like if i don't used the shift button, but with a normal letter that works. (meaning that shift + letter = capital letter). This only happens me within vm in the proxmox shell is like my normal...
  4. V

    keyboard issue on console

    Hello, i have an interesting issue on proxmox console over iKVM. If i try to write something, the input is wrong, for example in the screenshot, i tried to type in "root". What can i do? Thank you!