
  1. Z

    4.3 nvidia k80 gpu passthrough lost one gpu when nvidia driver installed

    I passthrough one K80 to guest vm(centos 7). Everything is ok at 4.2.and when i update to 4.3,under guest os nvidia-smi just show one gpu,not two,please help me. my configs: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- root@pve2:~# pveversion -v...
  2. Z

    update from 4.2 to 4.3,gpu passthrough vm cannot boot

    guest: ubuntu15.10,seabios, nvidia K80 passthrough,working fine @4.2 update to 4.3,the vm cannot find boot disk,boot failed. pls help me. the issue like this. here is my config files: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  3. V

    VM hangs during boot if passthrough device is Nvidia Tesla K80

    The subject says it all. We can speculate as to the cause: We think it is necessary to enable "above 4G decoding" in the OVMF bios. If that is the case then the question is: How can we enabled "above 4G decoding" or similar feature in the OVMF bios? Otherwise, we believe the reason the VM...