intel modular server

  1. R

    [SOLVED] Intel Modula Server page is missing

    Dear all, I was trying to install Proxmox 5 to an Intel Modular Server. Before I used to follow the guide line at these page: Now, seems that the page in enpty. Is there anyone that has a backup of that page, or that know how to setup a shared...
  2. D

    [SOLVED] One more time about Shared SAS Storage and cluster

    Hi, community! Please help me with SAS Storage on my Proxmox 5 Cluster. I have 4 nodes with Proxmox 5. On each node there is a HBA adapter linked with Dell MD3200 storage by one cord. Every node "can see" drive from storage like /dev/sda with correct size and etc. Next I configured cluster: -...
  3. R

    pvcreate /dev/sdb1 Device /dev/sdb1 not found (or ignored by filtering).

    Dear All, I'm using Intel Modular Server and ProxmoxVe 4.4. I created a shared lun for all the server and setup the multipath as showed in the wiki: I am trying now to be able to use the shared volume to...