
  1. F

    Check enabled LXC features from INSIDE container?

    Given these two LXC features (keyctl and nesting): there is a way to programmatically query them from inside the container? I found /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested but unfortunately it returns "Y" for both nesting=0 and nesting=1 containers.
  2. P

    [SOLVED] VE 7.2.1 Install on NUC issue - ISO not found

    When installing VE 7.2.1 from a USB key (I made it with DD & balenaEtcher) on my Intel NUC, i get an error when installing Proxmox it says: i read to use DD mode in rufus to fix this, but i dont have a windows machine to do that. I made my image on a SD card via DD and tried balenaEtcher too...
  3. F

    OOM Killer issue, container

    Hi, I use Proxmox 5.1 with up to 70 containers. A few days ago one of the containers crashed. After some troubleshooting, I noticed that the Proxmox killed MariaDB service inside the container for memory reason. In monitoring systems and even on Proxmox web diagrams there is no such...
  4. V

    ATTENTION: Firewall and KVM Routing

    Possible many users search about problems with KVM can not communicate to outside. A ping to inside is running, but a ping to outside not! We have search about this many hours! A blocking will going on, when: Firewall for the KVM machine is DISABLED <<<< NOT UNDERSTANDABLE WHY !!! but when...