
  1. T

    Gedanken zu einer Migration von VMware

    Moin, ich habe mich schon umgeschaut und habe keinen Thread dieser Art gefunden, daher erstelle ich einen Neuen. Sollte das nicht passen, bitte löschen. :) Während meines Praktikums habe ich die Möglichkeit bekommen, verschiedene Migrationsmöglichkeit von VMWare zu Proxmox zu testen. Dies...
  2. L

    Proxmox memory bar separated by type

    Hello! Is there any way to make memory bars colored by type of data that's stored in it? I mean, currently it shows you almost 100% of RAM if you use half of RAM by VM's and other half is ZFS cache. My point is to separate bar into multiple colors to make it clear what is cached and what's not...
  3. V

    Suggestions to cover my use cases appreciated (setup recommendations)

    Hello everybody, 3 month ago i got a refurbished Fujitsu Q956 Mini PC to try out Proxmox and further possibilities for private use. It was more to learn and play around a little bit. Before I had no knowledge about VMs, Linux in generall and docker and so on. I got some very basic knowledge now...
  4. P

    Auto-shutdown Bash Script (Opinions Sought)

    Hi, First post here. I created a quick Bash script to shutdown a Proxmox VE instance when mains power is lost and the battery falls below a certain percentage. It also (optionally) sends out an alert via Email or Pushover. Link to my Blog article about it is here where I give a brief...
  5. A

    Encryption in Nested Virtualization in VMs the run Proxmox

    is it possible to install Proxmox and enable Nested Virtualization, and on the Nested Virtualization and have 2 Proxmox(Installation Debian Buster) VMs That both are encrypted, ---+Proxmox (on the server - (I prefer the Debian Buster installation)) [installed on Hardware] - -| - -+Proxmox...
  6. J

    Custom graph in node summary

    I was looking to monitor a few more stats with RRD, namely : temperature, fans, power supply watts (iLO), cpufreq, local disk space, local disk activity, SSD Host_Writes per drive, and others. Then I suddenly tough, why not add them direly to Proxmox webui ? Adding those graph on the Node...