
  1. Y

    Question regarding local name resolution in Proxmox VE

    I would like to have Proxmox resolve its local name itself, without querying an external DNS. A (common) Debian system should actually be able to do this. However, my PVE (a Debian "onTop" installation) doesn't do that. My PVE has (as an example) the following names in the "/etc/hosts" are...
  2. D

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Cluster - How to clean-up ssh_known_hosts?

    Hi there, I have noticed that there is a bit of a mess in the "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts" because I recently had some issues with a cluster that I dismantled completely. I had to remove configurations by hand and change some IP addresses. As a result, there is a long list things in there... The...
  3. J

    rewriting the hosts file zapped /etc/pve/*, now it's back

    Dear, Happy with proxmox i do find myself in a sudden challenge of sorts. As I found some prior posts on this I share the experience here. This is most recent proxmox running with ZFS. I have no memory of changing anything when xterm.js console refused and only showed a message+spinner is it...
  4. J

    Host names and Cluster

    Hey all, I deployed two servers in a cluster previously and how finished deploying 3rd for HA and having some issues with getting replication working on all three. it seems to be ssh key and hosts related, then dug deeper and likely to do with my host names being wrong. Currently 3 servers are...
  5. A

    [SOLVED] Can't access apach2 Ubuntu Default Page using DDNS FQDN

    I currently have an ubuntu LXC installed on my proxmox server in order to setup a nextcloud service. In order to do this I am following this learnlinux youtube guide here. At 5:09 the guide mentions changing the hostname and hosts to include my ddns or domain name. I have done the same and I...
  6. H

    Help! I messed up my PVE by changing the hostname.

    Hi. I was trying to change the hostname, by editing /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts following the guide from the wiki. It didn't work as I found 2 different nodes into the Web UI, then I moved all the content from the old node folder in /etc/pve/nodes to the new one (this includes lxc, qemu-server...
  7. X

    Problem pct create

    Hello everybody, I create my container with the command pct create. pct create $CTID local:vztmpl/$Template.tar.gz --cpulimit $CORE --cpuunits 1024 --hostname $NAME --memory $MEMORY --net0 name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,gw=$GWIP,ip=$IP/24,type=veth --onboot 1 --ostype centos --rootfs...
  8. C

    LXC: Modifications in /etc/hosts are not persistent

    Hello! I want to maintain every hostfile in LXC following this template: localhost.localdomain localhost server1 # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ff02::1...