headless installation of proxmox

  1. K

    can remote-viewer connect to the headless pve host

    I'm using spice remote-viewer to open vms on a proxmox 8.1 host. I can't seem to find a way to access the headless host. The only graphics card is passed through to the windows guest along with the keyboard and mouse. Is there a way and if not what is recommended for running a graphical host...
  2. P

    [TUTORIAL] Headless building Proxmox server solution

    Install Proxmox on a headless server without drive swapping or pre-installing Debian, using ZFS (if required), assuming the server will boot from USB and has some form of serial (RS232) access - I used usb-serial adapter. This worked for me – YMMV. Overview use (eg) laptop to install basic...
  3. G

    Headless installation of proxmox

    Hello I've got an older Workstation. This Workstation was build into an Server Rack previously, this is the reason why it has no video output. My Question is: Am i able to install proxmox onto this workstation with out a monitor, mice or keyboard? Infra: - Workstation - Stable LAN connection...