
  1. W

    Installing official gitlab linux package

    Please pardon my ignorance. I am new to both ProxMox and Gitlab. I am trying to set up an LXC container from the Turnkey templates. No other CT or VM is running on my dedicated ProxMox system. The summary window tells me this: Status running HA State none Node wintermute...
  2. G


    I installed the turnkey Gitlab 17.1.1 LXC template. After the installation weird behaviour is happening. I try to log in to GitLab with my root account and I get an HTTP 500 error. After that, I decided to register a test account, and redirected me to: http://$MY_HOST/users/sign_in#login-pane...
  3. M

    Automatische Installation Proxmox auf Debian mit preseed und Automatische Gitlab Installation

    Hi Community, Ich habe mal mir mal die Mühe gemacht und ein bissel gebastelt. Dabei herausgekommen ist ein Git Repository, mit dem man Debian mit einem USB-Stick per preseed Datei automatisch installieren kann und danach per Ansible Proxmox installiert...
  4. H

    Installing official gitlab linux package on unprivileged container

    Hello everybody, I wanted to install a self-hosted instance of gitlab on my proxmox node and I wanted to avoid a VM because I wanted to avoid to run the gitlab database inside a virtual disk and I wanted to avoid a privileged container because the gitlab webserver could be faced to the public...
  5. S

    uid/gid allocation for nested LXD in unprivileged container

    Hi everyone, I am trying to configure Gitlab runners with custom LXD executors inside proxmox's LXC container. Basically, I want to be able to spin-up LXC containers inside Proxmox's unprivileged LXC container. I did the following: 1. Created unprivileged Ubuntu 22.04 LXC container with...
  6. mircsicz

    [SOLVED] Running GitLab in LXC

    Hi all, I've installed gitlab using their packages, following their docs. Prob is I can't get it configured, running "sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure" leads to: Running handlers: There was an error running gitlab-ctl reconfigure: sysctl[net.core.somaxconn] (gitlab::unicorn line 30) had an...
  7. D

    Installing gitlab into LXC container (sysctl kernel.shmmax)

    Hi, I tried to install gitlab into LXC CT, but during the installation I received an error that PostgreSQL requires kernel.shmmax = 17179869184 I verify kernel.shmmax in CT: # cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax 18446744073692774399 If I try set this parameter in CT, I get error: sysctl -w...