#ghost #ceph

  1. 0

    Ceph ghost OSDs

    Hi all, After an upgrade, Proxmox would not start and I had to reinstall it completely. I made a backup of the config but presumably missed something : ceph.mon keeps crashing and 4 OSDs appear as ghosts (out/down). proxmox version : 7.2-3 ceph version : 15.2.16 Any help appreciated !
  2. L

    Unknown status hosts .. unstable ceph .. help!

    I have a 5 node cluster which has been working fine but seems to have gone crazy a day or two after i did an update (pve-manager/7.2-4/ca9d43cc (running kernel: 5.15.35-1-pve)). After a while three (the same three) of the hosts go grey but are still up. Run the following commands and it comes...