
  1. F


    please help problem fixed Dell Quadro P1000 4 GB BIOS not save bios please fixed unlocked see me windows 10 0 mb memory please fixed
  2. T

    Proxmox Gui not accessible, even with 8006 allowed

    Hello, I tried to avoid another Post in this Forum where the Solution is probably stupid easy, but I was not able to figure the following problem out, for days. Server Setup: Proxmox runs on a dedicated server of Hetzner I have one static IPv4 + an extra IPv4/29 Subnet I access the proxmox host...
  3. M

    Cluster reconfig left behind phantom VMs - possible to fix?

    Greetings everyone, we needed to do some maintenance on a four node cluster. I moved the critical systems off of it but apparently the folks who were actually doing the removal and replacement of a node neglected to remove the noncritical VMs from it before using pvecm to remove it from the...