external usb

  1. U

    Sync to two external USB HDDs with weekly rotation

    I'm considering to sync backups to a set of two external USB HDDs, where one HDDs is connected and the other one is stored off-site. Several forum threads suggest that syncing to an external HDD should be possible. One question remains: Do I need to create two different mount points/datastores...
  2. S

    Automatically pass through a USB device to a VM when plugged in?

    Hello all. I had a search in the forum but i wasn't able to identify that specific question. My Setup: I just installed a Proxmox host and as I don't have (and don't want) a separate NAS for storage, ONE of the VMs on that host will make an 8TB disk available to my local network via SMB/NFS...
  3. D

    Accessible Storage and Adding it as Resource to other VMs

    So I have a Proxmox server up and running with Jellyfin and NextCloud containers. I also have a large external HDD that I have connected to the machine running Proxmox to which I mounted to the Node. The way I have been enabling access to these files for Jellyfin and Nextcloud is that I go into...
  4. E

    Can't write to an external USB drive with Turnkey Fileserver (CT)

    I'm at my witts end. I've tried everything. I have an SSD USB Drive that I've connected to Proxmox. I need 1-2 containers and 1 VM to be able to view/write to it. I edited fstab to include the line: UUID=B2A9-0D71 /media/FS_Drive exfat defaults,noatime,nofail 0 2 Then ran mount -a I then...