
  1. M

    Smaller size OSD - bigger VM, what happening? Ceph OSD, replication settings.

    Hi! Please help me understand for be clear: Example for sure, all works fine, Ceph health OK, VMs are stored in Ceph, by default only node1 running a VMs: node1: 1000 GB OSD (1 HDD) node2: 1000 GB OSD (1 HDD) node3: 1000 GB OSD (1 HDD) node4: 500 GB OSD (1 HDD) node5: 500 GB + 500 GB OSD (2...
  2. A

    transfer a virtual machine "zfs send/recv"

    Hi, I'm trying to transfer a virtual machine from one physical node to another. Used zfs send / recv. "zfs send rpool1 / vm-23674-disk-1 @ s1 | ssh zfs recv rpool2 / vm-23674-disk-1" In the list of zfs on the second machine, it appears. But how can I use it for example in proxmox...
  3. N

    How to create a blacklist entry

    Dear Proxmox support, we really need a documentation (with examples) about how to create blacklist entry's. I try standard entry to block a domain but do not work; for this example I have a domain like: example.com Everyday I receive news from different servers; I try to block domain, to block...