
  1. M

    Mismatching pve-ssl.pem certificate after hostname change - Correct process for renaming and changing the IP address of hosts in a cluster?

    Hi there, I went through the process of renaming and changing the IP address of a few hosts within my 9-node proxmox cluster. I am using Proxmox VE 8.2.7 at present. For each host I wanted to rename and change the IP address of, one by one I edited the following files to rename the host...
  2. E

    Deleted files under /etc/pve/nodes,is there any other way to recover them?

    I accidentally deleted files under /etc/pve/nodes, resulting in no virtual machines being visible in pve. I have tried testdisk and extundelete, but neither can recover the files. The qm related commands also cannot find the nodes related configuration files and cannot be used. Is there any...