error 23

  1. L

    RAW Container Image eingefügt - Backup geht nicht

    Guten Tag, ich nutze seit ende letzten Jahres ein Container auf meinem Proxmox Server ich habe damals den raw speicher des containers also die local disk gebackupt vor ca 2 Monaten habe ich meinen Node neuinstalliert danach habe ich so einen Container erstellt und die raw datei die ca 100GB Groß...
  2. D

    Single LXC backup fail error 23

    Hello all, good day. I recently noticed that for the past 2-3 days a single LXC is not being backed up and the error it provides is 23 when using snapshot or suspend mode. ive got another similar lxc (different apps on it) and this one backs up successfully when using snapshot mode. When...
  3. D

    Single LXC backup fails error 23

    Hello all, Good day. Recently i noted that on my environment just one lxc container is not getting backed up due to error 23 when using snapshot mode. i have another lxc container with similar configuration (different apps on it) and that one works fine when using snapshot mode. When...
  4. D

    [SOLVED] Backup of LXC fails sometimes

    Hello, I am currently trying to figure out, why one of my LXCs only backups once in a blue moon. So far from the 20.07-26.07 the backup didnt work of that LXC. On the 19.07 and 27.07 the backup worked. On this LXC is Nextcloud running with an additional mount point just for the nextcloud...