
  1. A

    LPe12002 Emulex fiber not detected

    Good morning, I have just added the LPe12000 Series 8Gb Fiber Channel Adapter card in addition to my main network card to my proxmox server but I do not see it in proxmox despite it being detected in IDRAC. Is it possible to make this card functional under proximox?
  2. R

    [SOLVED] Emulex FC Setup on Proxmox

    Emulex LightPulse LPe32000 hello. does anyone know how to configure these controllers on proxmox? do they need to be configured somehow? I have a clean installation on fujitsu rx2530 m4, I've tried different kernel versions, but it doesn't help. the disk appears every other time by itself. does...
  3. P

    Is there a general proxmox problem with qlogic fiber channel cards?

    Hello! This is the second (2462 and 2532) FC I have used from qlogic and I am running into problems when scanning for the SAN to be recognized by the system: scsi 3:0:0:0: lun4194304 has a LUN larger than allowed by the host adapter scsi 3:0:0:0: lun4194560 has a LUN larger than allowed by the...