different subnet

  1. T

    [SOLVED] How do I configure a VM to see a device on another subnet?

    My network looks like this: The modem on 192.168.1.x is connected as a BRIDGE to my Router on 192.168.8.x. My Proxmox server is on (not the real address, but you get the gist)(this is the subnet I used previously on the modem), but now my VM can't access the Modem (yes my other...
  2. G

    Proxmox VM using tagged vlan not being able to ping Proxmox Host Server ip

    Hello guys, could you give me some help on how to fix a VM that uses a tagged vlan, it can ping other addresses with the proxmox host server subnet but not the host server itself.
  3. J

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Host nicht erreichbar vom LAN

    Moinsen, ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. Ich habe folgendes Setup Ich habe einen Switch mit 3 VLans ( LAN[ DHCP], DMZ[ DHCP], WAN[]) Hypervisor: vmbr1 (eth1)> pfsense per VLAN routed wunderbar in alle netze vmbr0 Vlan DMZ...