device name

  1. M

    7.4->8.1 Why did NIC devices change so radically... on ONE of two hosts?

    I have two almost identical host boxes (HP Z2 G5, with Intel I350 multi-port nic, etc. Nice ;) ) They've been running great on 7.0 through 7.4 Time to upgrade to 8.1 Key item is NIC id's as I have a rich networking environment (pfSense HA, multiple VLANs, etc). Driver is igb... One box went...
  2. M

    Proxmox 5 BETA NET device name change

    I have 3 network interfaces on a home system. One GB NIC on the motherboard and two in a dual port GB NIC. With Proxmox 3.2, the NIC names were as expexted: eth0, eth1 and eth2. In testing Proxmox 5 BETA, the interface names are now: enp4s0, enp3s0f0 and enp3s0f1. Is this expected/normal?