development environment

  1. L

    [SOLVED] Dev env

    Hey :wave:, I want to contribute a bit on this project, at least run it on my laptop. Is there a way to setup the proxmox rust ecosystem ? I made git clone --remote-submodule git:// git clone git:// cd...
  2. F

    Using proxmox for local development

    We're currently deploying our testenvironements with terraform into our proxmox cluster. Until now we had a separate vagrant configuration to spin up vms on our laptops for local development. We are thinking now about ways to simplify our setup. One way would be to use terraform to deploy the...
  3. I

    First Impression - Proxmox on Mobile

    I just installed my first production version of proxmox VE 7.3, brilliant piece of software however I have some bugs and suggestions for the developers- Proxmox suggestions from using Proxmox Doesn’t accept password keys from Mobile (Windows 2022) keyboard mapping for iOS offset. For example...
  4. F

    Please help me with the debcargo tool

    Hi, I am a fresh men of PVE developer. Recently I'm trying to build the debian package from proxmox source files, but some problems make me stop where I am now. I really hope someone can help me with this problem :) , thank U. The problem what I just encounter was that, for example, first I use...
  5. R

    [SOLVED] Troubles creating Git/Quilt patches for PVE

    Hi there, I am trying to test an idea for a minor change to the behaviour of a function in the vma-reader.c file in the pve-qemu-kvm repository, but I'm having a very hard time getting my change into the source and compiling it. I'm quite a n00b when it comes to Git and Quilt, let alone both...